University of Potsdam
One University – Three Locations
The University of Potsdam, founded in 1991, is the largest university in the German state of Brandenburg, with 20,000 students and five faculties. The University has three campuses:
The central campus is located adjacent to the Neues Palais in Park Sanssouci. The institutes of the Faculty of Philosophy are housed in the Communs, the representative buildings next to the palace. History, philosophy and religious studies are located here, as well as languages and literatures, media and the arts. The Baroque buildings also host the Presidium and University administration. The new library is a floating, ring-shaped structure that sets an architectonic contrast to this historic backdrop. The Auditorium maximum is also unique and is inside the former imperial stables. An identical nearby building houses the sports sciences, with a University medical clinic that is licensed by the German Olympic Sports Association as a research center.
University of Potsdam · Am Neuen Palais 10 · 14469 Potsdam
The largest campus of the University of Potsdam is situated in the middle of meadows and pastures, not far from the tranquil Golm district. New research buildings feature ultra-modern laboratories furnished with the latest equipment. About 9,000 students travel each day to the Faculties of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences, as well as the Human Sciences. The information, communication and media center is a central study location, with over 900,000 books and other media in its holdings. Golm has developed into one of the largest science parks in the Berlin-Brandenburg research region: Three Max Planck and two Fraunhofer Institutes, as well as the GO:IN start-up center, are situated right next to the university.
University of Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25, 14476 Potsdam-Golm
The Griebnitzsee campus, located on the border between Berlin and Potsdam, hosts the Faculties of Law and of Economics and the Social Sciences at the University of Potsdam. The Institute for Computer Sciences is situated at Griebnitzsee, directly adjacent to the Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Technology, a privately financed associated research institute. A student dormitory is located right next to the campus, not far from the Babelsberg film studios. Griebnitzsee offers the best conditions for study and work with its new lecture hall building, large library, and well-equipped multimedia and language laboratories.
University of Potsdam, August-Bebel-Strasse 89, 14482 Potsdam
Where knowledge grows –