Wilhelm von Türk-School

Bisamkiez 107-111
14478 Potsdam
Phone: 0331 289-7040
Fax: 0331 289-7041
Schools with special educational focus

School with special educational focus on listening and language

Headmistress: Mrs. Kapp
Deputy Head: Mr. Wolf

The Wilhelm-von-Turk School in Brandenburg is the only school with special educational focus on "listening" or "language".

The school regards itself as a competence center for special educational work in the two basic priorities. As an indispensable place of learning in addition to equivalent forms of schooling with special educational assistance in common classes and as a pillar within a network of special education.

We feel responsible for all pupils who need special educational support for the funding focuses "hearing" or "language" and want to enable them to successfully and equally participate in society and shaping their own personal lives. Our mission therefore is to give to all pupils in our school an adequate education.

Especially for the field "language" it is the declared goal to lead back the pupils to the common classes after reasonable length of stay and enable them to successfully continue schooling in a primary school close to home.

The development of skills is content and goal of our educational work, whereas the development of communicative and social competence beyond classes is in the focus of our pedagogical work. There is also a close cooperation with various institutions, organizations, societies and associations.

Pupil populations

Support priority "listening"

Nature, degree and extent of hearing loss of our pupils are very diverse.

Children and young people with peripheral hearing loss from mild hearing loss to completely deaf, with disorders of auditory processing and perception, and very different communication capabilities characterize the pupil population. Many pupils do not have the possibilities to compensate the communicate loss/or have limited access to the spoken language. The written language can be significantly affected, the active and passive vocabulary to be developed not age-appropriate.

Often this leads to serious psycho-social disorders.

Children and young people who are in need for in the focus priority "hearing" also have a focus priority need in 'learning', can attend our school.

Support priority "language"

The appearance of pupils with special needs for "language" is characterized by limitations in the linguistic abilities. Communication is handicapped in the broadest sense. Many pupils do not have the possibilities to compensate the effects/or have only over limited prerequisite to communicate in spoken language. The written language can be significantly affected, the active and passive vocabulary not developed age-appropriate. Kind, degree and extent of language abnormalities are very different. Often, this leads to serious psycho-social disorders.

The language can be noticeable by: - Talking defects (dyslalia)

  • Word and sentence structure errors (dysgrammatism)
  • Stuttering (Balbuties, Dysphemy)
  • Cluttering (Tachyphemy)
  • Snuffle (Rhinolalia)
  • Apraxia
  • Mutism
  • Logo phobia
  • Dyslexia (isolated reading failure), - Dysgraphia (isolated spell failure)