Primary School „Max Dortu“ (8)
Max-Dortu-Street 28/29
14467 Potsdam
phone: (0331) 289 7440
fax: (0331) 289 7441
headmistress: Mrs Gudrun Wurzler
head deputy: Mrs Silke Schulz
We are a Primary School
- school has a long tradition ( lessons since 1860 )
- location: in the inner City of potsdam, in a landmarked building in the centre of Potsdam
- profile: musical and sporting spezialisation
- Primary school with open all-days -offers
- about 280 pupils, including 15 % of them are foreign-language pupils
- great learning environment and a pleasant atmospere on a beautiful courtyard
What distinguishes us from other schools?
*school uniform * unifored sport clothing*own school symbol * own school anthem * * contactlanguageEnglish from Grade1 *computer cabinet * wide range in music profiling( singing,dancing, ballet, instrumental) *special cabinets for biology, music,art,Englisch * new gym* recently redesigned schoolyard * offers in category of Religion,Humanistic,Social Studies*gifted annual award of the Max-Dortu-Trophy for outstanding pupils of grade 6
* 4 times a year publication of the “homemade”school newspaper” Kobra” *Schoolmuseum *” Old School Room”-historical lessons as in imperial times * preschool “Schulinchen und Wackelzahn”
clubs and activities:
a varity of open all-day offers:
- new project:”Classes play music”-a guitar class, a practise with Orff instruments
- music:choir, orchestra, flute, musical,elementary education (auditory and vocal)
- sports: hockey, volleyball, judo, football, fencing
- languages: French,Russian
- computer,chess, homework help, mediation,library,encaustic
- benefit concerts
special annual weeks with various topics (health,water, Olympic games,circus)
cooperation with the university (reading, Mathematics,)
school partnership with a Polish school, regular visits in theatres,
we take part in competitions (contest in Mathematics and English) and competitions in different kinds of sport
reading competition “ My favourite book”
opera project with the Deutsche Oper in Berlin
benefit concerts
various sports activities and many great sporting achievments
day nursery school:
“ Kastanienhof” Wall am Kiez 14467 Potsdam Tel. (0331) 293395