Oberlin School

Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 24
14482 Potsdam
Phone: 0331 763 48 91
Fax: 0331 763 49 00
Schools with special educational focus

All-day school

Headmaster: Mr. Plenzke
Deputy Head: Mrs. Doss
Legal Status: state-approved alternative school

School carrier:
Oberlin Association
Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 24
14482 Potsdam

In the Oberlin School as an approved alternative school, physical disabled, multiple disabled and deaf-blind children and adolescents are learning.

The school offers:

  • The early support -and counselling center
  • The special nursery
  • Physically Handicapped School
  • A multiple disabled school
  • The Deaf and Blind School

- Homes for the physically handicapped, multiple disabled and deaf-blind children and adolescents in weekly and permanent accommodation.

Oberlin House has been dedicated since1886 to teaching and education physically disabled and deaf blind children. Today, to this Christian and humanitarian tradition, the staff of the Oberlin school feels obliged to. The disabled pupils should be able to live an independent life as possible. They learn to accept their personal circumstances and deal with it. Together they practice to overcome barriers and to have a joyful life. Varied are the ways and content of learning.

Thereby children need humans as companions, on those they can rely on and help them to dare taking steps into the world. Deaf-blind children need a lot of attention and time to learn how they can perceive their environment in different systems of communication.

School Profile:

Since 1991, the Oberlin school exists in its current structure. It is a countrywide, all-day special support school. Its offerings range from teaching, therapies of various kinds, such as physiotherapy, speech therapy and music, horse riding and swimming, working groups up to interesting and diverse leisure activities. The pupils receive instructions by specific content and processes, as well as by customized tools, individualized education and support. Special educators, therapists, speech therapists, physicians, teachers, social workers, psychologists, and not least the parents are working together closely.

The admission to the Oberlin School is tied to the support committee process. For each pupil, the special education team sets up a special education plan in cooperation with the parents.

The Oberlin School awards certifications of the secondary school level I and special support schools in Brandenburg. This allows the pupils to attend secondary schools and gives them different options to the business and working world.

As a special support school for the physically handicapped, the school assumes public functions, thereby the physically handicapped, multiple disabilities and deaf-blind children meet the mandatory school attendance of the State of Brandenburg (and in some cases from other states - especially concerning deaf-blindness). For physically disabled children who are not learning as integrated pupils in regular schools, the Oberlin School is the only offer in the City of Potsdam.

The educational mission of the Oberlin School, based on the statutory basis, is oriented on a holistic Christian view of man and is part of the diaconal order. In a tolerant openness and respect for religious freedom and conscience of every human, the Christian values ​​are taught.